About Us
- Wai‘anae Coast Early Childhood Services (WCECS)
(808) 695-9656
Sharon Tsuda, Executive Director
Angela Lacey, Administrative Assistant
Sally Kaeha, Secretary - Wai‘anae Early Education Center (WEEC)
(808) 695-9400
Tamiko Bogacz, Program Director (WEEC) - Parent Child Development Center Wai‘anae
(808) 696-7657
Linnie Tan, Program Director
Lahela Reinhardt, Program Assistant (enrollment) - Parent Child Development Center Waipahu
(808) 676-5584
Raychelle Valiente, Program Director
Leslie Ragmat and Robyn Uehara Tom, Program Assistant (enrollment) - Parent Child Development Center Wahiawā
(808) 621-2322
Daina Adams, Program Director
Shanell Grilho or Brandi Martin, Program Assistant (enrollment)
Our preschools primarily serve low- to moderate-income families and our early intervention programs serve infants and toddlers with special needs. We hope you will deem our agency as worthy of your support. If you make a donation to our non-profit and you itemize deductions on your federal tax return, you are entitled to claim a charitable deduction.
Undesignated monetary donations will be used to benefit children directly.
Donations can be made to specific programs and/or for specific purposes, such as our scholarship fund or to support staff training.
Mail checks to:
Wai‘anae Coast Early Childhood Services
84-1061 Noholio Road
Wai‘anae, HI 96792
Non-monetary donations should be program-related and require our approval. If accepted, we recommend consulting a tax advisor regarding the tax deduction.
The board is comprised of twelve volunteers, three are Parent Representatives from our programs for children and nine are At-Large members with expertise in business, education, and special needs. The following are our board officers:
- Gloria Fernandez, President
- Cheryl Tomimatsu, Vice President
- Barbie Lei Burgess, Secretary
- Founded as Waianae Coast Day Care Center on April 21, 1971
by Mrs. Anthony Russo, President; Mrs. Evanita Ilaban, Vice President; and Mrs. Abby Barros, Secretary-Treasurer. In 1998, the agency name was changed to Wai‘anae Coast Early Childhood Services.
- In March 1973, the Waianae Coast Day Care Center facility was dedicated. In 1998, the program name was changed to Wai‘anae Early Education Center.
- In August 1973, the Waianae Coast Kitchen facility was dedicated.
- In 1981, the Parent Child Development Center (PCDC) Wai‘anae program was started to serve infants and toddlers with or at-risk for developmental delays. The PCDC Waipahu and PCDC Wahiawā programs were started in 2008 and 2010 respectively.